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Your Mortgage Pre-Approval
(...what you need to know)
Your Victoria Mortgage
Pre-Approval Experts:
Your Best Deal...
- Lenders Fighting For Your Business
- Lower Rates Than Your Bank
- Save Thousands in Payments
- Make An Offer With Confidence
What You'll Get...
- Professional Local Service
- Impartial Advice
- Comprehensive Needs Analysis
- Access to the Absolute Best Rates
How It Works:
Step 1: Your Mortgage Needs
Step 2: Your Application
Step 3: Your Pre-Approval
Important Factors for Your Mortgage Pre-Approval
Income Qualification
Credit Score
Down Payment Verification
Closing Costs Verification
Victoria BC Mortgage News and Trends
Mortgage Co-Signer vs Guarantor
The recent tighter mortgage qualification rules reducing purchasing power by 20% combined with the higher prices of real estate, particularly in Victoria and Vancouver, can make it difficult for a person, or even a couple, to qualify for a mortgage on their own. But with home prices rising and inflation
New June 1 Stress-Test Mortgage Rules Confirmed
OFSI confirmed that all Conventional Mortgages with 20% down or more will as of June 1st be stress tested at 5.25%. The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland also issued a statement of her own, announcing the alignment of the insured stress test with the uninsured stress
A Very Basic Overview of Mortgage Qualification in BC
It doesn’t matter if you’re buying a new home or your first one, home buyers are always looking for the best deal! But it can be easy to focus on the rate before you even know if you’ll qualify. Online calculators never show the whole story. Even if you’ve been
OSFI to Re-Examine Stress-Test Policy
According to the Canadian Mortgage Brokers Association BC, the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) restarted its consultation on the minimum qualifying rate for uninsured mortgages and re-emphasized the importance of sound mortgage underwriting. The new proposal for the qualifying rate for uninsured mortgages is the higher of
Bank of Canada Policy Rate Announcement – March 2021
Bank of Canada will hold current level of policy rate until inflation objective is sustainably achieved, continues quantitative easing. The Bank of Canada today held its target for the overnight rate at the effective lower bound of ¼ percent, with the Bank Rate at ½ percent and the deposit rate